
Champions of Midgard: The Expansions

Created by Grey Fox Games

Add a fifth player, new monsters, new leaders, new warrior dice and more! The long awaited expansion(s) to Champions of Midgard.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Landfall! and what to do if you have to change your address
almost 7 years ago – Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 12:40:12 AM

Hello backers,

The most important part of the update is to let you know that if you have an address change at this point, please email [email protected] with your Name, old address and new address.  We have already sent all the addresses out to FedEx to pre-print our labels so any changes at this point have to be handled carefully to make sure we don't send to the old address.  

All three containers have officially landed in LA.  At this point we are just waiting for everything to clear customs and then to be shipped to St. Louis.  It is impossible to say how long customs will take but it should not be more than 8 business day at the most, and most likely much faster than that.  I will let you know when we have a legit ETA for it arriving here.

For Australia / NZ , it has arrived at Aetherworks and we are just waiting for the replacement pieces to be done so we can airship them.

I know the UK shipment is now underway, but I do not have any more info than that right now.  Gamesquest is handling and when I have more exact info I will share.

Asia shipments are just waiting on the replacement pieces to be complete, hopefully in a few days.



Shipping update
almost 7 years ago – Tue, Jun 20, 2017 at 01:14:50 AM

Hello patient Vikings,

I wanted to give a quick update regarding a few items:

U.S / Canada Shipping

The name of the boat the first two container are on is Yantian Express.  You can google that to see where it is at if you are so inclined.

The third container is only 2-3 days behind but I do not have the ship name yet.  The first two containers should keep us plenty busy before the third arrives and so I do not expect it to cause any delays.

Once the container arrives in U.S we will send off the necessary items to Canadian fulfillment (takes about 1 week to arrive).

EU Shipping

I do not know exactly where the container for this one is at.  I know it has left the manufacturer and is being handled by the fulfillment company that will ultimately receive it.  As soon as it arrive in the UK, I will update.  I would expect that should occur in the next 3-5 weeks depending on customs.

Asia/ Pacific

Will be arriving at fulfillment center this week and should start being processed sometime next week.  I will keep you posted.


When we reviewed the components for the game from the production copy, we completely missed the fact that the Dark Mountains market board was missing and that the purple and black disc to show player color was missing (score markers in helmet shapes are all there).  The manufacturer has been made aware and is making them now with a completion ETA of 7 calendar days.  Once done, they will be airmailed and so they should not cause any delay.  They may even arrive before the containers.

Thank you,



A Deceptive update
almost 7 years ago – Wed, Jun 07, 2017 at 01:08:59 AM

Hello all,

You might be wondering about this post's title.  Rest assured that I have no intention of ruining any of the goodwill earned over the last two posts by being transparent.  

I just wanted to let you know, that for those who are interested, later today we are launching the expansion for our other popular title, Deception: Murder in Hong Kong. It is called Deception: Undercover Allies.  

If you own the base game and are a fan (why wouldn't you be?), then I am sure you'll want to get in on the exclusives that will be coming as we reach our different stretch goals.  If you've never played the game, you're missing out on a pretty great party game (#6 all time on BGG) and for those people, we will be including the original KS pack that came with the base game as part of the campaign. 

We will be sending out our newsletter the minute we launch, so if you're signed up for that, be on the lookout.  Otherwise, it should be live in the next 1-2 hours.



Non-U.S. Shipments
almost 7 years ago – Tue, Jun 06, 2017 at 09:47:32 PM

Hi again,

Thanks for the understanding and the kind words regarding my last post.  I'd like to say I just instinctively knew how to handle this situation, but I sort of learned the hard way from one of our earlier campaigns.  Boys and girls, honesty is always the best policy.

A few people asked about the status of the non-US shipments.  All of those have been separated and I believe all but the EU has shipped (that should leave by Friday). From there I really have no idea how long it will take as we have only partial control of the fulfillment companies and I know next to nothing about the delivery times to other locations, mainly due to customs and other factors outside how long it takes a boat to sail there. If it was a Viking boat I could estimate how long it would take to attack something once is landed, but times have changed.  I think a fair estimate would be to say that they should be arriving over the next 4-8 weeks.



Another quick update
almost 7 years ago – Tue, Jun 06, 2017 at 12:20:33 AM

Hello all,

There has been a small snag in getting this out of China.  All items were sent to one location and then consolidated and shipped from there.  This caused a bit of an issue with the customs paperwork, however, it appears as if that is mostly behind us. I honestly thought this was going to be resolved by now as the stuff has been frustratingly sitting at the factory for over a week now but I wanted to wait until I had some solid info before updating.  There is one container (out of 3) that is still questionable and it holds the playmats and wood upgrades.  I have confirmation that 2 of the containers are leaving on Friday.  It is estimated that this will arrive around 7/1 and start shipping immediately.  The 3rd container should get out by Friday as well, but if not, we expect early next week.

What does this mean for delivery?

If you live in the U.S. it means that if you did not order the mat or the wood upgrades, your game should be there sometime between 7/5 and 7/10.  Worst case should be that if you did order the mat or wood upgrades, your stuff will arrive between 7/10 and 7/15.  

Once the 3rd container is confirmed for shipping, I will let you know the date.

