
Champions of Midgard: The Expansions

Created by Grey Fox Games

Add a fifth player, new monsters, new leaders, new warrior dice and more! The long awaited expansion(s) to Champions of Midgard.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The latest, greatest and not so greatest.
almost 7 years ago – Fri, Aug 04, 2017 at 12:30:45 AM

Hi All,

Wanted to give you the most up to date info we have for everything.

U.S / Russia / Brazil Shipments:

As stated before, all of these are out the door and most everyone should have theirs at this point with a few exceptions. If you are one of those "few exceptions" please give it until the end of the day tomorrow.  If you still do not have it we will start to actively check into it for you on Monday.

If you are in Brazil or Russia, it is going to take 2-4 weeks for your stuff to start arriving. It will depend greatly on your country's postal system.

Component issues:

As of today, we have made a massive dent in the process. We have at least 150 (out of about 200) packages sealed up and ready to be posted and mailed tomorrow.  In addition, we also shipped out about 30 "high priority" packages earlier this week.

If you were one of the people who emailed us BEFORE Monday at 1:00pm you should have received an email from us stating we got your request and were working on it (if you didn't please please please check your spam before emailing us again as more emails about the same issue just slow us way down).  If you emailed us after, you are no less important, we are just working these in sections and the first one was massive, we will do yours next starting Monday and should only take about 2 days to do all of that.   

There are a few people that had issues that we still cannot fix, mainly the wood and food upgrades.  Rest assured that if you are one of those, we will take care of you as soon as those bits arrive.  

For people that are only missing the clear stickers (about 500), we have decided to farm out that project as while it is easy, it is time-consuming and time is something we are short on right now.  They should be getting it wrapped up by the middle of next week and those should start showing up through the following week.


Snakes and Lattes contacted us yesterday asking for some paperwork needed to clear customs.  They have been provided this paperwork.  That's what I know right now.


These have long since been shipped and should mostly have arrived by now.

EU/UK/ everyone else not listed:

The boat says the ETA to dock is on 8/7.  All requested paperwork has been provided in anticipation of the ship's arrival.



Missing items / defective pieces replacement timeline PLUS breakdown of extra bits.
almost 7 years ago – Mon, Jul 31, 2017 at 01:19:49 AM

Hi all,

As promised here is the anticipated timelines for any outstanding issues.  Right now we have roughly 170 emails with problems ranging from damaged packaging to missing pieces (this does not include the roughly 500 people we owe clear stickers to or the 220 people still needing food and wood kit upgrades).  We are going to attempt to categorize these and handle them according to how detrimental it is to being able to play the game.  As of this point, only the US and some Asia packages have arrived so we will be doing those and then as the other packages start to arrive in other parts of the world, we will handle them in the same fashion.  

Categorization/prep - 1-2 Days

Category 1 (first priority) -  Anticipated timeline - 2-4 days AFTER prep:

  • Packages with items ordered but not received (wood kit #2, Base games, etc.).  
  • Packages with missing or broken pieces that make the game unplayable, such as missing Viking meeples, cards, boards, etc. 

Category 2  Anticipated timeline - 2-3 days AFTER category 1 is complete:  

  • Packages still not received and no tracking in the system.
  • Clear sticker mailing project.

Category 3 Anticipated timeline - 3-5 days AFTER category 2 is complete:

  • Packages with broken pieces, but still complete.
  • Packages with general damages, such as the box.


  • This is mainly the wood and food kits still owed.  We should be finished with these other customer service issues by the time the kits arrive and will make it a top priority to get them out.

Please understand that while we are going to do our very best to get these issues taken care of (believe me, we want them off our plate as much as you want them fixed), the actual time to deal with them is going to be better understood as we start actually dealing with them.  

If you have sent us an email already, please be patient for a response.  I promise we will answer everyone as we go through to categorize each one over the next two days.

Extra bits explanation/breakdown.

We have had a few requests for a breakdown of what extras you should have received, based on what you ordered.  Here it is:

  • Every shipment of the Jarl edition should have included three things (1) a clear pack of 4 round cut corner leader cards, (2) one purple and one black wood disc marker to note your player color (the Viking helmet is for your score marker) and finally, (3) a 3 space market board.  All of these items were shipped inside the shipping box but OUTSIDE the game box.
  • If you ordered a wood kit #2, you should have received 3 clear sticker sheets for your coins.

2 other things to note:

1. The rulebook states the incorrect number of Valkyrie cards.  It says 27, but should be 36 (I believe.

2. The rulebook shield warrior dice face breakdown is incorrect.  The dice are correct.

I think that about does it for now.  



Yet another shipping update
almost 7 years ago – Sun, Jul 30, 2017 at 01:27:06 AM

Hi All,

There are a few topics here, but I attempted to break them down so you only have to check out what matters to you:


I now have solid info regarding Aetherworks.  They, in fact, do have everything and should start shipping out this coming week.  Apparently, the person handling our logistics thought he sent the backer list to them and when I asked, claimed he had, but he hadn't.  So now it 100% has and is confirmed with Aetherworks. 


We are being told by Snakes and Lattes that the product is on the way from the forwarder.  That's all I know.  When it arrives, at their location, I'll let you know.

UK/EU/ JAPAN and other country not mentioned in US:

Still on the boat, you can track the MSC Clara if you want to watch it more closely.

Asia (not Japan):

All shipped out and shoulds be arriving mostly over the next week or two depending on your location.

USA / Russia / Brazil:

All packages for US have shipped and all packages for other countries are packed and just need paperwork filled out.  That should finish Monday and Tuesday.

I will be putting together a comprehensive update regarding any issues with missing or broken game components or shipping/tracking questions in another update tomorrow.  It will go over expected timelines for fixing these issues.  Please be on the lookout for it.



Another update and a clarification
almost 7 years ago – Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 01:02:47 AM

Hi Backers,

Some people have mentioned not receiving "regular" black and purple meeples with their KS edition of the game.  These were not made as the intention is for you to use the viking meeples.  The retail version does come with regular black meeples but nothing comes with regular purple as that is an exclusive color and only done in viking meeple.  

As of yesterday all individual backer U.S. shipments are now done (we still need to finish up the retailers).  You will not receive confirmation or tracking.  We used smartpost for shipping these and that can take up to 3 weeks (though very rare).  If you do not have your pledge by next Friday, please contact us and we will look into it.  

In addition, we have received a fair bit of emails regarding issues ranging from mispacked boxes to manufacturer errors.  This is to be expected with thousands of shipments going out.  We still have to finish up Russia and Brazil shipments and get the correct stickers out to those that received the wrong ones.  Then we will start the process of going through and fixing any problems we have been notified of through email.  We are going to TRY to get all these problems dealt with by next Friday.  Please be patient, we will get them fixed.

Per our previous update, if you have a problem, please send to info@greyfoxgames with the exact title "CoM KS Problem".  Let us know the exact issue and your mailing address.  We will answer other emails and we will try to answer comments, but your best bet to make sure we don't miss anything is to follow these instructions. 

For non-U.S. shipments I have nothing of note to report.   When I have rock solid info (which I am trying to obtain), I will share it.




Tomorrow is the last US shipping day, really.
almost 7 years ago – Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 12:48:28 AM

Hi all,

We only had three people available today and so were not able to get to all 400 or so US packages left.  We currently have 216 packages left to go out and will be getting those done tomorrow.  Specifically, these orders are people who ordered the KS edition, the base game and one of every add on.  If this is your order, you are finally getting shipped out tomorrow.  Russia and Brazil will start shipping on Wednesday and should only take a day to ship out as there are only about 50 packages.

If you live in AUS / NZ, Aetherworks now officially has everything they need to start shipping and have been told to do so.

For Canada, we have an email out to Snakes and Lattes to try to find the status of the shipment.  

For the UK, that shipment should only be a couple weeks from arriving.  I'll keep you posted when it does land.  For those in Japan that just found out they were getting shipped from the UK, this means that you are looking at about 3 weeks before your stuff ships and then however long it takes from there (I would estimate 2-3 weeks).

For other parts of Asia.  You should have started receiving your games if you are in China.  

