
Champions of Midgard: The Expansions

Created by Grey Fox Games

Add a fifth player, new monsters, new leaders, new warrior dice and more! The long awaited expansion(s) to Champions of Midgard.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Sun Also Rises on the Lands of Odin
about 7 years ago – Sun, Mar 12, 2017 at 12:44:58 AM

Hey Everyone,

We've certainly noticed a big slowdown in comments and a little bit of a slowdown in funding since excitement is...rising...over another campaign at the moment.  And of course we have more stretch goals...kami-ing...for our fantastic backers and just wanted to remind everyone there is nothing...miniature...about the great new components you get with our two great expansions.

We know that...oni...through your efforts to spread the word about our campaign and our game can we hit the rest of our goals.  But we too recognize that what we have with our backers is an...alliance...where we each benefit from the work of the other (and that's no...bull-shido.)

So today we are going to move the final component stretch goal from the $535,000 spot to a spot at $425,000 to help get people excited about unlocking another stretch goal and give you all something closer to work toward.

Once again we ask you to...marshall...the people you know and...recruit...them to our cause.  Please share the word about our campaign, now in its final week, on forums like BGG and Reddit, on twitter, and in Facebook groups which allow it, and let's get a few more people excited about that final push to blast through these goals.

You have already brought your Viking Clan.  We have accomplished great things in this campaign and Odin (and GFG team) are very excited about everything you have helped contribute.

Spread the word and help us finish on a...sunny...note as we blast through the rest of the stretch goals and unlock more exclusive content for you all!


Images live on
about 7 years ago – Sat, Mar 11, 2017 at 05:23:19 PM

Hey Everyone,

Just a quick update today to let you know that we have several of the art images live on and would like to encourage those of you interested in engaging the broader community to head over to the Expansion Specific pages and like the images (if you like the images) and share your enthusiasm for the expansions in the forums section of the expansion pages on BGG.

We've enjoyed great support from you all and think that getting some traffic on those pages may draw some more attention to our campaign for the final week and hopefully help encourage more backers to get in on the fun and unlock our remaining stretch goals.

Please check out the page for Champions of Midgard: The Dark Mountains

And the Page for Champions of Midgard: Valhalla

Hopefully if enough people are excited enough to head over and thumb some pictures, post a comment, or create or add to a forum thread discussing the game we can get a few more helping hands to get us through the final stretch and finish on a major high note!

Thanks again for all your enthusiasm and support.
